Welcome To ZFSS
Top quality products
We design and manufacture laboratory to pilot scale industrial grade fermenters and bioreactors.
Zist Farayand Sanat Saba (ZFSS) Co., focused on bioprocess development and equipment manufacturing, was founded in 2006, in Iran.


SabaFeed110 feeding pump
SabaFeed110 The feeding pump manufactured by ZFSS Co. Ltd, is known as SabaFeed110. This product…
SabaPlant110-B Photobioreactor
SabaPlant110-B The photobioreactor manufactured by ZFSS Co. Ltd, is known as SabaPlant 110-B. This product…
SabaCell110 Bioreactor
SabaCell110 The Bench top bioreactor manufactured by ZFSS Co. Ltd, is known as SabaCell 110….
SabaFerm110 Fermenter
SabaFerm110 The Bench top Fermenter manufactured by ZFSS Co., is known as SabaFerm110. This product…
SabaFerm110-P Fermenter
SabaFerm110-P The pilot-scale fermenter manufactured by ZFSS Co., is known as SabaFerm110-P. This product is…
Our Location
National Institute of Genetic engineering and Biotechnology,
Shahrake Pazhohesh,
15th km of tehran-karaj highway, Tehran, Iran.